Sunday, November 20, 2011

New Orleans Decadence

Last month we went to New Orleans for four days while also seeing the UK Wildcats play LSU in Baton Rouge.... We won't talk about that painful game, but I will delight you with some recipes from The Big Easy. A girlfriend and I went to a cooking school for the morning, got a front row seat, and can't wait for the perfect occasion to re-create all the dishes.We have to take photos of our food and send it in so we can get our "diploma" from the school!  We were at The New Orleans School of Cooking, and they have a great selection in their store as well as online at The Louisiana General Store.  I have my eye on a couple of items to give out to my foodie friends and family this holiday season. Big Kev was our chef, and he has a number of seasoning blends I might need to have around the kitchen.
Big Kev adds the cream.
Our menu on that beautiful October morning was Artichoke and Shrimp Bisque, Crayfish Etouffee, Pralines and Bread Pudding with Whiskey Sauce.  Delicious!  Since I have made most of the other dishes before, I am going to share the soup, which was new to me.  Wow, I have never really cooked a lot with artichokes, but if this is any indication of deliciousness, I am going to do more of it in the future. I suggest you boil up a pot of it soon now that the weather has turned colder and we need to warm our insides a little bit.  Like the old PBS Cajun Cookin' star Justin Wilson used to say, you will love it, "I gar-rahn-teeeee!"

Artichoke and Shrimp Bisque
24 oz. quartered artichoke hearts
1 quart strong chicken stock
1 Tbsp. chopped parsley(for garnish)
1 Tbsp. thyme leaves, crushed
Salt to taste
1/4 cup flour plus 1 Tbsp.
1 quart heavy cream
2 cups chopped green onions
1/2 to 1 pound shrimp, peeled and deveined, medium sized
1/4 cup melted butter

Combine artichoke, chicken stock, green onions, salt, thyme and bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer for about 12 minutes.

Combine butter and flour to make a light roux and add to simmering pot.  Stir in heavy cream and simmer for 10 minutes. 

Add shrimp and simmer for 5 more minutes. Serve with freshly chopped green onions and parsley for garnish.

Note: 1 cup of the green onion goes in the soup and 1 cup is for garnish.

Makes 6-8 servings